With a program that lets you explore your scientific interests, gain real-world experience, and make valuable connections with faculty experts, you’ll turn your passion for science into the start of a ...
A combination of cosmic processes shapes the formation of one of the most common types of planets outside of our solar system, according to a new study led by researchers at Penn State. The research ...
Research in the Zhu lab focuses on the exploration of fundamental and novel electronic properties of low-dimensional materials and nanostructures. Our current research interests include ...
Nick Payne, a mathematics graduate student, studies hyperbolic conservation laws. He also serves as an Eberly delegate and member of the Advocacy and Diversity Committee for the Graduate and ...
Evan Pugh University Professor and Erwin W. Müller Professor in Physics and Holder of Eberly Family Chair "Composite-fermion pairing at half-filled and quarter-filled lowest Landau level," Anirban ...
The research of my group at Penn State, as well as in several other collaborations with colleagues elsewhere, circles around different aspects whose common theme is their relevance for formulations of ...
I began my career in science as an undergraduate studying physics and mathematics at the University of Michigan. Upon graduation, I took up a Marshall Scholarship to pursue a degree in Mathematics at ...
Microwave and optical frequency atomic clocks; space-based atomic clocks; ultracold atom-atom scattering; ultra-stable lasers; laser cooling; precision measurements; experimental atomic physics. Our ...
Elsbach Professor of Physics and Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (1987). M.Sc ...
Distinguished Professor of Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, and Chemistry ...
In order to help achieve this part of our mission, our office has created the online Broader Impacts Resource Center (BIRC) to better assist faculty in learning about their outreach options and ...