Our colleagues no longer recognise their own neighbourhoods, hospitals have been razed, and people are settling in the rubble ...
Israeli forces and settlers have increased the use of extreme physical violence against Palestinians in the occupied West ...
Médecins Sans Frontières Australia Ltd. ABN: 74 068 758 654. Registered Charity Number: CFN 11960. All donations are processed in AUD. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible in Australia only.
Experience working overseas in remote regions and challenging environments, supporting people in conflict zones or affected by disease outbreaks, is valuable to gain exposure to global health issues ...
In recent weeks we have observed an escalation of extreme violence occurring in the West Bank, Palestine, particularly in Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas, since the ceasefire was implemented in Gaza. Brice ...
Welcome to Médecins Sans Frontières Australia's online resources for schools. Here you can find information about MSF for use in the classroom. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international and ...
MSF‘s ever-expanding emergency activities range from primary care in refugee camps to tertiary care in trauma hospitals located in conflict areas. Because activities differ with each project, a wide ...
The general logistician ensures the smooth running of MSF projects, by overseeing all activities and safety measures for anything that is neither medical nor administrative. Their responsibilities are ...
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