As corporate landlords drive housing costs up, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has proposed bans that could reshape housing ...
Despite housing assistance programs, NYC’s homeless youth face insurmountable roadblock leaving many stuck in shelters or on ...
As climate disasters intensify, homeless people face deadly exposure to extreme weather, yet disaster relief systems continue ...
For years, Invisible People has been at the forefront of reshaping public perception and policy on homelessness through ...
As unsheltered homelessness rises, cities prove that real solutions are possible with political will and sustained investment ...
New Zealand dramatically lowered housing costs —experts say the U.S. could achieve similar results if policymakers embrace ...
Code Blue provides temporary relief, but without immediate shelter access, homeless lives remain at risk year-round.
The public celebration of violent crimes against homeless people normalizes vigilantism, ultimately endangering every one of ...
San Jose residents are advocating for a 'no-return zone' to permanently displace homeless encampments, revealing misuse of ...
Thousands of LA residents, displaced by wildfires, are forced to shoulder unyielding mortgage payments and the threat of ...
These homeless and formerly homeless content creators share their experiences, break stereotypes and offer invaluable insight ...