The UNDP Peace and Justice Programme 2008-2010; “Jamaica Sustainable Peace and Development Project”, directly addresses peace building and development and promotes the idea that security of the nation ...
SSCo Event Management and The Gleaner Company have once again joined forces to present the seventh annual Restaurant Week, November 8-16 when over 75 of Jamaica's best restaurants will offer specially ...
An aerial view of the Kirkvine bauxite plant in Manchester. The world oil crisis in 1973, which almost quadrupled Jamaica’s oil import bill from $55 million to nearly $180 million per year, was one of ...
'Come for the talk, stay for the music'. We try our best to answer your calls but if you fail to get a human voice please leave a short message and we will respond to the problem as soon as possible.
In the distance is the Norman Manley International Airport, in Kingston Jamaica. To the mid right, of the screen, is the Bank of Jamaica Building and beside it Soctiabank building To the lower right, ...
The content of this page may have been obtained from several sources. While every care is taken, we do not guarantee the accuracy, timely, current and completeness of the information or content. We do ...
JAMAICA STANDARD Products Co Limited (JSP) is a family-owned business operated by the Minott family for over 72 years. The company is one of the largest producers of coffee in Jamaica with farms in ...
Clarendon has produced a long line of talented artistes such as Everton Blender, Coco Tea, Freddie McGregor, Derrick Morgan and the list continues with the young, vibrant and super talented I-Octane.
Producer Stephen McGregor has been rightfully defined in the media as a musical genius, and indeed those terms are no exaggeration. At only 18 years old, Stephen is one of Jamaica's best producers. A ...
In 2007 singer Romain Virgo, then just 17 years old, made history as the youngest person to win Digicel Rising Stars, Jamaica’s wildly popular TV talent competition. Romain clinched the contest with ...
A member of the Jamaica Defence Force seen casting his vote at Up Park Camp. The Presiding Officer seated at left is Capt. the Rev. Orlando Lindsay, Chaplain to the JDF. Jamaica’s road to universal ...