Bluet是一家年轻的芬兰公司,创意别出心裁,在水上浮动休闲建筑这个新兴产业中已成为全球领军者。这家公司打造的浮动建筑包括房子、游泳池、足球场、音乐会舞台等等。 基莫・萨哈里宁(Kimmo Saharinen)还在念书的时候,听说了一件很“划算”的事情:要是 ...
1 先冲个澡。 虽然从技术上讲,桑拿房是用来洗浴的,但进去之前还是应该快速冲个澡。这样做既能照顾到你的桑拿同伴,也能让热气更容易忍受。 2 穿舒服的衣服。 与人们普遍认为的相反,你并不一定要裸体才能享受桑拿。泳衣甚至毛巾都是完全可以接受的 ...
虽说曼纳海姆是芬兰最著名的历史人物之一,但是在参观了他的故居之后,许多人还是会对他们所看到的细节大感意外。 1944年,在芬兰政治史上最非同寻常、绝对值得书写的一个阶段,卡尔·古斯塔夫·埃米尔·曼纳海姆(Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim)就任芬兰总统。
Северный регион очень многолик, но его граждан объединяют многие жизненные ценности и ориентиры. Эти общие ценности ...
Ganz überraschend hat Schweden die finnische Comedy-Band KAJ als ihren Act für den Eurovision Song Contest 2025 nominiert.
We’re happy to note that Finland has been the happiest country on the planet since 2018, according to the World Happiness ...
Four expats tell their stories and reveal how living in Finland contributes to the way they view and experience happiness.
Four expats tell their stories and reveal how living in Finland contributes to the way they view and experience happiness.
Four expats tell their stories and reveal how living in Finland contributes to the way they view and experience happiness.
Four expats tell their stories and reveal how living in Finland contributes to the way they view and experience happiness.
Four expats tell their stories and reveal how living in Finland contributes to the way they view and experience happiness.
Four expats tell their stories and reveal how living in Finland contributes to the way they view and experience happiness.