The early 2000s was a crazy, weird time of defeating dystopias with karate, sending texts via Microsoft Excel, and ignoring your pets so you could look at jpegs of pets. As its adverts might have ...
For many gamers of a certain vintage, gaming peaked as a whole with the PlayStation 2. It’s hard to disagree with that. It was one of the final consoles to release before day one patches and day ...
Every big name in the console game needs a few big games that can only be played under their big name — well, at least for a bit or also on PC — and Sony PlayStation is no different.
Sometimes, it’s frankly unbelievable that any game manages to make it out of the door at all. You’re telling me 100 people put numbers into a computer, and now this digital horse has its own ...
Ah, other times that aren’t right now. I remember them well. If you grew up with industry-changers like the N64, it can be very easy to get disillusioned with the games of today, but luckily ...