Our encyclopaedia details the major and minor pests and natural enemies commonly associated with cropping rotations. Use it help prevent, detect and control pest populations in field crops, as part of ...
KPIs are a set of figures that help you manage your farm by showing, at a glance, which areas are performing well and those that need to be reviewed. We’ve simplified the available on-farm measures ...
When faced with challenges, it’s reassuring to know that there are a number of resources you can access and charities that you can lean on. Their practical advice, guidance and support continue to ...
Calculate how much it will cost to vaccinate your sheep against bluetongue virus and how much it could save you using our interactive calculator. A cattle-specific calculator will be available soon.
Funded by AHDB Beef & Lamb, the Challenge Sheep project began in 2017 and involves 11 farms from across the country recording and sharing data to generate new knowledge and highlight existing ...
Ramularia may be present at the start of a crop’s life, in infected seed. However, symptoms rarely appear on previously healthy leaves until after flowering (growth stage 69), showing first on the ...
The aim of this guide is to help barley growers to identify where production may be falling short of potential. To manage crops effectively, it is important to set targets, assess progress, adjust ...
Creates an achievable set of action points to tackle clinical mastitis and high somatic cell counts, which are relevant to your farm Uses trained Mastitis Control Plan Deliverers to analyse on-farm ...
Although the infection cycle of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is complex, a good understanding of the three main risk factors – the presence of sclerotinia inoculum, warm and humid weather conditions and ...
The Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) helps you make the most of organic materials and balance the benefits of fertiliser use against the costs – both economic and environmental. Section 4 covers the ...
Profitable farming requires continued development and use of a wide range of skills. Good nutrient management is an important aspect of this and can contribute to business efficiency and reduce ...
The conserved forage requirements and stocks calculator can be used to calculate feed demand by entering livestock numbers and available feed supply. It will help you understand if you have a deficit ...