The Friends tab on Facebook will now show content just from your Facebook friends, no recommended content. This is the first ...
Estamos lançando o Meta AI Studio no Brasil, um espaço para as pessoas criarem, compartilharem e descobrirem IAs para conversar – sem necessidade de habilidades técnicas. Qualquer pessoa pode criar ...
Today, we’re rolling out a new School Partnership Program, starting with a pilot open to all US middle and high schools.
Os criadores de conteúdo são potências influentes. Eles possuem um ponto de vista autêntico que o público deseja consumir e são extremamente talentosos no que fazem. Encontrar o criador ideal para ...
Today, we’re announcing the results of our Social Capital research partnership in the United Kingdom. In collaboration with ...
Meta AIと会話したり、写真を共有したりできるようになりました。これにより、アシスタントとの新たなコミュニケーション方法が切り開かれ、より迅速に回答を得られるようになります。
Today, we’re introducing new controls that help you show up as yourself on Threads, including updates to tagged topics, ...
Meta invests a huge amount of effort and resources to help protect elections online. As Canada’s federal election approaches, ...
It’s About Time  At Meta, we believe that being at the forefront of innovation means being able to move quickly to adopt new ...