在如今这个手机屏幕越做越大、功能越来越繁杂的时代,小屏手机仿佛成了一种稀缺的“古董”。苹果 SE2 就像是从过去走来的一颗遗珠,在备用机的领域里散发着独特的魅力。 经典外观,小巧便携 苹果 SE2 的外观极具辨识度,它延续了 iPhone 8 ...
The base iPhone 17 won't get Apple's new C1 modem, but will get an updated Wi-Fi chip • iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max could be even cooler thanks to a new vapor chamber design • The lates iPhone ...
The iPhone 17 Pro and Pro Max won't get Apple's new C1 modem, unlike the iPhone 17 Air. • Vapor chamber cooling could be added to the iPhone 17 Pro Max to make its performance more stable • A ...
The best iPhone on the market right now is the iPhone 16 Pro Max, but that doesn't mean it's the best iPhone for everyone. We've reviewed every iPhone ever released (that's 46 models and counting ...
Your iPhone is an essential device in your daily life, but even the best smartphones can experience hardware and software glitches from time to time. One common issue is an unresponsive touchscreen.
iPad mini 2012年,苹果在“手机大屏化”浪潮中推出iPad mini,实际上也是库克上任后为了应对当时市场中不断出现的8英寸左右的 ... 2020年,苹果在iPhone 12系列中首次加入5.4英寸的mini机型。这款手机被库克称为“回归初心之作”——比iPhone SE2更小的机身尺寸(131.5 ...