A commuter plane that crashed on sea ice off Alaska, killing all 10 people on board, was half a ton overweight for the ...
A mile-long stretch of Roberts Road that traverses through both Bridgeview and Justice has been shut down Wednesday afternoon ...
A Chicago man has been arrested on a warrant for vehicular homicide charges in Sioux County. According to a criminal ...
AGGRAVATED BATTERY: Robert J. Fiedler, 28, 9700 block of Utica Avenue, Evergreen Park, was arrested March 7 and accused of aggravated battery after attempting to put an officer in a headlock and then ...
The pedestrian killed after being struck by a freight train Friday afternoon near Lake Forest has been identified.
A Wisconsin woman died in Zion, Illinois, after a rear-end collision on Saturday night. The Lake County coroner reported she ...
Hageman Road once cut a straight and direct east-west line through the alfalfa fields and grazing pastures of northwest ...