Athens General Composite 中表现最好的股票为Gr Sarantis SA (AT: SRSr ),上涨4.40%(0.56点),收盘报价为13.30。同时,Holding Company ADMIE IPTO SA (AT: ...
盘面表现最弱的股票为Kri-Kri Milk (AT: KRIr ),下跌3.55%(0.55点), 收盘报于14.95。Iktinos Hellas (AT: IKTr )下跌3.40%(0.01点),收于0.33;Intracom ...
Athens International Airport (AIA) announced total revenue increased by 10.2% to 665.5 million euros in 2024 compared to ...
Constantine Tassoulas was sworn in on Thursday as Greece's president for a five-year term. Tassoulas, a member of the ruling ...
BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping extended on Thursday congratulations to Konstantinos Tasoulas on assuming the Greek presidency. In his congratulatory message, Xi pointed out ...
The train to Athens crosses the Corinth Canal, construction on which begun as early as 67 AD, but was only completed in 1893. In Corinth, Alice meets her guide, a man named Socrates, who takes her ...
The main news bulletin of ERT presents the latest developments from Greece and around the world every night at 9:00 pm, with detailed reports in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Deliver ...
“Collaborative Learning 四海为学” is organized by the Center for Intercultural Learning, Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University.
2024年12月14日,中希华人戏剧联盟青少年剧团成功在希腊首演古希腊经典悲剧《厄勒克特拉》(Electra)。演出效果远超预期,现场反响热烈。孩子们以流利的英语精彩诠释了这部经典悲剧,深深感动了来自中国、希腊及其他国家的观众。2025年春节(2月7日),剧团受邀前往ACS Athens再次呈现这部杰作,让中希文化交融的魅力再次绽放。