It was a special occasion for the mother-daughter duo Vanna White/Instagram Vanna White waited decades to get her first tattoo and when she finally took the plunge, she knew exactly who to call.
Tattoos are no longer taboo. One in every three Americans now has at least one tattoo. As getting inked becomes more common, potential risks and side effects are being more intensely scrutinized.
A tattoo artist in India’s eastern city of Bhubaneswar has been arrested after a woman had a local deity’s likeness inked on her thigh. The tattoo sparked outrage from Hindu groups and devotees.
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在新能源汽车市场“内卷”加剧的2025年,北汽极狐以一场“开年降价大戏”成功吸引了全行业的目光。2月13日,北汽极狐宣布对旗下新阿尔法T5和阿 ...