A fierce and brutal civil war is raging in Yugoslavia. The Soviet empire has come to an end with new and diverse republic governments now responsible for the protection of human rights.
Disorder in Yugoslavia Yugoslavia is moving towards the Soviet Union, only with much deeper problems and the outcome will be much more bloody. But can the Party survive? Or will it be swept away ...
Eighty years ago this month, the United States and Great Britain effectively conceded Eastern Europe and parts of Central ...
From the Greek Civil War to the Soviet-Yugoslav Normalization in Leffler, Melvyn and Westad, Arne (eds), The Cambridge History of the Cold War, Volume I: Origins, (Cambridge: Cambridge University ...
Interestingly, just five years after the tournament, only one of the medal winners remained intact, with Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union breaking apart. The Maryland native commented on the ...
the Soviet Communism. Thirdly, the course will offer insight into the dramatic impact the end of the Cold War on the developments in the region, in particular on the collapse of the Yugoslav ...