Two sailors were killed by a cargo ship after its Captain let a drunk colleague steer ... He said: 'The reality is, if you're going to drive three and a half thousand-tonne vessels in the ...
Captain Sam Farrow’s first outing as Master of the Ship ended in catastrophe after he let Second Mate Mark Wilkinson drive the 3,500-tonne vessel while intoxicated and talking to people on his ...
Less aggressively marketed than frequent flyer programs, cruise lines’ loyalty clubs range from laughable to valuable. The ...
That's gonna take a while because it turns out space-capitalism is even harsher than regular capitalism. As an asteroid miner ...
Capt. Dave Snowden was relieved for "loss of confidence in his ability to command" by Rear Adm. Sean Bailey, the commander of ...
Captain America is a superhero and comic book character created by Marvel Comics. Captain America 5 has the chance to bring back more MCU villains such as Justin Hammer, or it could adapt more ...
Yet a modern-day cruise ship is more akin to your local downtown, with multiple restaurant choices and a range of cuisines on offer. You can find healthy or vegetarian food, ethnic options and ...
You've had a great cruise, and you want to end your vacation on a high note. Then comes the reality of disembarkation day. Getting off a cruise ship is not the same as checking out of a hotel. You can ...
When Mackie got a promotion (to Captain America), so did Ramirez. Rate your 'Film of the Year': Join ... who gets as silly and appreciative as you are,” Mackie says of Ramirez.
“When you look at the release calendar, I don’t see anything that can cut into ‘Captain America,'” says Jeff Bock, a box office analyst with Exhibitor Relations. “If audiences want to be ...