Romulus and Remus being cared for by a wolf. Engraving published 1882. Original edition is from my own archives. Copyright has expired and is in Public Domain ...
At the beginning of the festival, members of the Roman order of priests, Luperci, gathered in a sacred cave, where, according to legend, the wolf had raised Romulus and Remus. The priests first ...
This day of love, Valentine’s Day, is a real oxymoron with a sordid history of beheadings, blood sacrifices, Roman, Greek and ...
Lupercus’ refuge and shelter was the Lupercal cave, where it is said that Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome) were nurtured and raised by a she-wolf instead of being killed by the king as he ...
In the distance, they spotted what they thought was a hiker’s German shepherd alongside a coyote. But Paunovich soon realized it was Canis lupus: the gray wolf. The last wolves seen in Yellowstone — ...