It is a genetic condition caused when an unusual cell division result in an extra full or even partial copy of chromosome 21.
Researchers have shed new light on how a type of heart valve disease -- aortic valve stenosis -- progresses differently in males and females.
Scientists discover that women's second X chromosome awakens later in life, expressing genes that protect the brain from ...
World Down Syndrome Day is March 21 (or 3-21) to represent the third copy on a 21st chromosome. The event took place at a ...
In a recent study, scientists have developed a revolutionary chromosome identification system for alfalfa, one of the world's ...
It is observed on March 21 to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21 chromosome, which causes Down Syndrome.
In a recent study, scientists have developed a revolutionary chromosome identification system for alfalfa, one of the world's ...
Why do women's brains fare better in aging than men's? A study found that the second, 'silent' X chromosome turns on in the ...
For years, the fact that women tend to outlive men has been a topic of interest and speculation among scientists and the ...
Cytoplasmic flows guide chromosome positioning during embryogenesis. During the first stages of animal embryo development, the egg cell undergoes multiple divisions without growin ...