British Rowing and WATERROWER are excited to announce a continuation of their long-standing partnership, making WATERROWER an official indoor rowing partner.
家,是我们生活的核心,不仅是遮风挡雨的港湾,更是身心放松与活力的源泉。而运动,正是让家充满活力的点睛之笔。当木质健身器材融入家居空间,它不仅是一种工具,更是一种生活方式的象征——让家更有活力,让生活更有质感。 家居美学的点睛之笔 ...
Vintage 橡木系列为每一款器械注入经典灵魂。 WaterRower Vintage 橡木系列 以时光淬炼的优雅,重塑健身美学。 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。
EARLIER THIS YEAR, Phil Clapp sat down on a Concept2 machine in London and rowed 1,000 meters in two minutes, 38.2 seconds—faster than anyone is known to have pulled that distance before. With ...
For a quieter experience, the WaterRower Oak Rowing Machine With S4 Monitor is the better choice. And if you are motivated by interactive programming, the Hydrow Wave Rower has tons of pre ...