He says the ditch that runs near and in front of his home is too shallow, too narrow and not capable to handling torrential rains.
A burst sewer pipe, which closed a major route through Bicester, was also repaired on Friday. A Thames Water spokesperson ...
To comply with a federal government mandate, Niles village officials said the north suburb will be doing a pilot program to ...
A restaurant objected to paying twice in a week to have a drain unclogged. The plumber then decided to plug it himself - ‘We ...
A lawsuit has been filed against Window World in relation to a home explosion in Ellsworth Township that killed four people.
Mumbai: As the BMC is carrying out work to commission a new main water pipe for Pali Hill reservoir on April 3 from 9am to 12pm, there will be a chang.
PIERRE — The South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) announced Thursday that the Board of Water ...
Salem will test a water pipe connection between the city and Keizer's drinking water systems starting Friday until Monday.
Damage to the Wyndham Hotel in downtown Springfield is being investigated as intentional and vandalism. The Springfield Fire ...
Jesse Sanders, Thai Bistro & Bar operations manager, told local news outlet WFIE that their Evansville restaurant recently ...
Did you get a notice about lead pipes in Superior water service lines? You can check an interactive map to see if your home ...