Researchers worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to lower the water level in Red Rock reservoir a foot and a half so the ...
Follow our easy birdbath tips to create an inviting environment that welcomes all sorts of birds to stop for a drink and a ...
The lammergeier, commonly known as the bearded vulture, is a unique bird of prey that primarily eats bones. Skeletal matter, ...
Keep your feeders clean and safe for birds with these tips. Having bird feeders in your yard can give you a firsthand look at ...
Ohio has lost nearly 15 million birds since December and leads the nation in the number of birds infected with avian flu.
A new case of bird flu was reported in Maryland — the seventh known case but the first in central Maryland. The most recent ...
The single-day exercise was conducted by 71 volunteers under the aegis of Mysore Nature led by A. Shivaprakash, a well-known ...
Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
Millions will make their way through Nevada this spring. But many have been found dead, with no obvious signs of injury.
Researchers had placed a cotton sheet on the back of a PV module, which was then made wet and cooled. On the front side, ...
Haze hung over the Salton Sea on a recent winter day, while black-necked stilts and kildeer waded in the shallows, pecking at ...
WHITE PELICANS (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) are a normal springtime sighting of big birds as the spring season continues to ...