The original Tarkir block had a cycle of three-color lands to match the set’s five clans, such as Sandsteppe Citadel, Nomad ...
Website that takes list of cards as an input and shows how much you should spend to build every MTG Tier deck. Support for MTGA included.
What is fairly new, however is the appearance of an MTG planeswalker: Kaito, Bane of Nightmares. Kaito is a really solid source of card advantage, and also works great against other midrange decks, ...
The DIY DECK MAKEOVER and privacy wall builds are finally complete! After weeks of working in the hot summer weather (& some strange tanlines), this deck is finally ready for some rest ...
If you want to mount your Steam Deck to a wall, you could do so with something like the Deckmate but the MechLock looks far slicker with the super-smooth locking system where you can add a charger. I ...
If you’ve played against any kind of green go-wide deck in Commander, and especially if you’ve faced an MTG elves deck, you’ve probably seen a Craterhoof Behemoth. It’s an ubiquitous win condition, ...
(Image via Wizards of the Coast) First up for the MTG x Final Fantasy Commander decks is Terra, Herald of Hope’s deck, Revival Trance, which is built around filling your graveyard, and reviving ...
While only the face commanders for MTG Final Fantasy have been shown so far, these previews do provide a pretty solid basis for players to understand how each deck will function. Revival Trance is ...