The magnanimous man accurately believes he is great and seeks to win triumphs that will bring glory and greatness to his ...
He has made himself wise, courageous, prudent and virtuous through hard study and a life of service ... It’s worth noting ...
Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Jesus asks us: What makes you different from a virtuous atheist or pagan? The Christian must live differently: “For if you love those who love ...
The thing with vising Pagan sites in Cornwall is that it’s quite hard to pin down what ‘Pagan’ actually means. Pagan and specifically Celtic religious sites were often based in sacred groves ...
Climate expert Bjorn Lomborg has called Australia’s “virtuous” approach to emissions reduction into question following the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Picture ...
The Red Scare reshaped every institution in American life: Hollywood, labor unions, churches, universities, elementary schools—and, above all, the national-security state. Risen, a journalist at ...