Elsewhere, conservationists say efforts to restore the Large Blue, which was reintroduced to the UK ... a butterfly ecologist at the UKCEH, said butterflies are an “indicator species” to ...
this bright blue butterfly has a short but stunning life. It is thought that the colour helps the males to mark their territories, and acts as a defence against predators. The blue morpho is often one ...
Three quarters of butterfly species are in decline in the UK, but gardeners can play a key role in providing colourful visitors with much-needed habitats. Even small gardens in built-up areas can ...
More than one in seven UK species are facing extinction and more than half are in decline ... A reduction in the appropriate grazing of bracken-dominated habitats has contributed to the decline of the ...
There are nearly 30 species of shark found in UK waters, but the blue shark is certainly one of the most impressive. With the white underbelly contrasting with its cobalt blue upper body ...
Leading wildlife charity, Butterfly Conservation, has revealed the dates of this year’s highly anticipated Big Butterfly ...
Despite captive-breeding and reintroduction efforts, this sun-loving coastal butterfly, once common throughout South Florida, is now one of the rarest insect species in North America. The Miami blue ...
Campbell’s work centers on the Karner blue butterfly, an endangered species in New York and nationwide, which can only eat blue lupine as a caterpillar. Wild lupine is a perennial that grows ...
Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm is one of over 200 attractions around the UK that Blue Peter badge holders can get into for free. To gain free entry, each child must have a Blue Peter badge ...