The agency targeted by the Trump administration was a living example of tzedakah that saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
A brief oasis for peace in the Middle East occurred this past Sunday right here in Vancouver, BC in the broken heart of the ...
The 3rd through 8th grade girls gathered in the Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, Florida for a memorable mother-daughter event in honor of Chof Beis Shvat and to celebrate the life of Rebbetzin ...
One year later, their magazine, Tempo, was featured in Time. Since then, Rabbi Goldberg has earned rabbinic ordination in Jerusalem, a doctorate in Jewish intellectual history at Brandeis, and has ...
The name Yisro refers to 2 aspects in which he had attained perfection: Torah knowledge and action. The name Yisro in Hebrew incorporates the name Yeser, which means “add,” because a section in the ...
In a sporadic occurrence that will next repeat itself in 2045, Jews in the capital get to celebrate a three-day holiday ...
Aarons was the recipient of the 2020 Ruby Award from Jewish LearningWorks and earned an executive master’s in Jewish education from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion ... model the ...
On Jewish Justice Giving Day, we act on our tradition of tzedakah (giving ... Her book on Wifebeating has been translated into Hebrew and is forthcoming with Carmel Press in 2025.
This cultural proclivity probably stems from the Jewish religious imperative to give tzedakah, charity to promote what is good and just in society. Today, it is common to see Jewish names ...