In March 2013, a 1.6-liter turbocharged midsized sedan called Qoros 3 debuted at the Geneva International Motor Show in Switzerland, grabbing the attention of a few reporters looking for something new ...
格隆汇2月6日|据泰国媒体《曼谷邮报》,位于曼谷的侏罗纪世界主题公园建设项目已经获泰国投资委员会批准,这是东南亚首个此类项目。 该项目以恐龙为特色,总投资额为12亿泰铢(约2.55亿元人民币),占地4000平方米,坐落于曼谷湄南河畔。
Continuously improving the business environment was also a priority in the first meetings of several provincial-level regions ...