Polar bears are the planet’s biggest land-based carnivores – although they actually spend most of their lives around water and ice (their Latin name means ‘sea bear’). So they’re at particular risk ...
An adorable video shows the moment three tiny polar bear cubs emerged ... The bears need platforms of ice to reach their prey of ringed and bearded seals. Some sea ice lies over more productive ...
A new tricky optical illusion is circulating online, with only 1% of people managing to solve it immediately. The puzzle involves an image of a scenic snowy landscape with a polar bear hidden in ...
To minimize any disturbance, the final approach was made on foot or by ski, and cameras were collected several months later — long after the polar bear families had departed for the sea ice.
He had spotted a polar bear approaching ... we were given only four hours for the operation due to the paying customers on board. There was a lot more fjord ice in front of the glacier than ...
YOUNG BEAR 1: Ooh, I don't like it here - it's very cold. And the only food I can see are the seals way out there on the ice. YOUNG BEAR ... catch seals more easily. POLAR BEAR 1: Hic!
A polar bear has been shot dead in a remote ... As food becomes scarcer, "they'll start entering communities", only a handful of which have bear patrol programmes. "Are those communities ready?
The great white polar bear is the youngest and largest of the world's bear species — a mighty hunter and fierce defender of its young that's among the world's most vulnerable animals. Two-thirds of ...
Polar bear cubs were seen without their mothers only 5% of the time after the families emerged from their dens. (Image credit: Dmytro Cherkasov/Polar Bears International) Throughout the study ...
It’s a big world out there, especially for polar bear cubs emerging from their dens ... less time to develop before traveling to the sea ice. In some instances, the bears also emerged from ...