Therefore, dysregulation of the immune system may be one of the mediators of social stress that produces aggression and/or depression. Similar to humans, aggressive animals also show increased levels ...
Most children will instinctively love a cute kitten or playful puppy. However, understanding the important roles animals have in society – and the extraordinary work of animal heroes – can create ...
Humans have been constructing animal statues for thousands of years. It is a way for us to convey our deep bond with the animal kingdom and the debt of gratitude that we owe to our fellow creatures.
While their agricultural prowess is intriguing, the reproductive and mating behaviors of leafcutter ants are equally compelling and reveal a complex system of social organization and evolution.
On January 23rd, 1977, Pink Floyd shocked the world with its politically charged new album, Animals. A musical take on George Orwell‘s novels like 1984 and Animal Farm, the release spoke to ...
Scientists have unraveled the evolutionary history of the ventral nerve cord in ecdysozoan animals, revealing that ... Their nervous system consisting of the brain, and ventral nerve cord, has ...
Methods: In this article, we present a comprehensive overview of the Kenya animal health surveillance system (1944 to 2024), based on a review of archived documents, a scoping literature review, and ...
It takes humans a few months. Pigs are considered the fifth most intelligent animal in the world, even more intelligent than dogs. Pigs are capable of playing video games, have an excellent memory, ...
This resource pack features the story of Voytek, the bear who carried bombs. It is taken from Heroes: Incredible Stories Of Courageous Animals by David Long. This book is a perfect KS2 non-fiction ...