Both 7-Tesla (7T) and 3-Tesla (3T) MRI sequences can be used for identification of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s disease.1 On our 7T T2 sequence the ...
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based machine learning techniques have the potential to identify B-cell lymphoma-6 (BCL-6) overexpression in patients with primary central nervous ...
肝包膜皱缩指肝脏失去正常的凸面形态,导致局部变平和凹陷。导致肝包膜回缩病因有很多种,包括肝硬化、胆道梗阻、肿瘤等。它可以是肝包膜下病变导致的真性皱缩,也可以为正常变异,如肝副裂、肝横膈导致的折返。当肝包膜下存在液体、肿瘤时也可以出现假性肝包膜皱缩。本 ...
6 天
人民网 on MSNMRI—关节检查的“透视眼”而MRI的“超能力”正在于它通过强大的磁场和射频脉冲,能够将关节内的结构一层层“切片”成像,无论是骨头表面的微小损伤,还是韧带、软骨的撕裂,都逃不过它的“火眼金睛”。
High-dose vitamin D supplementation reduces disease activity in clinically isolated syndrome typical of MS, results of a ...
Ocrelizumab significantly reduced the number and volume of cortical lesions associated with multiple sclerosis at 120 weeks, ...
Analysis of blood-based biomarkers may be a reliable method to predict behavioral issues in older populations of Asian ...
NASA’s SpaceX Crew-10 astronauts will test innovative exercise methods to prepare for deep-space missions where bulky gym ...
An acute necrotising myopathy is a distinct form of uncommon muscle disease characterised by the rapid advancement of ...
为了揭开这些谜团,来自意大利萨萨里大学(University of Sassari)等机构的研究人员开展了一项极具意义的研究。他们的研究成果发表在《Scientific Reports》上,为我们理解 ASD 的发病机制带来了新的曙光。