在神经科,头痛、意识混乱和视野障碍虽然是常见的症状,但其背后可能隐藏着多种复杂的病因。近期,Neurology子刊报道了一名73岁女性病例,揭示了这些症状背后的罪魁祸首。病例简介患者73岁,女性,因持续3周新发头痛、间歇性意识混乱和左侧视野物体识别困 ...
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based machine learning techniques have the potential to identify B-cell lymphoma-6 (BCL-6) overexpression in patients with primary central nervous ...
The design of T2 Max is solid enough with a focus on being used out in the field to pick out subjects that might be hidden from view. Setup and use is simple despite limited instructions ...
Prostate zonal anatomy is best demonstrated with MRI. On T2-weighted sequences, the normal prostate can be divided into the peripheral zone, which shows high signal intensity owing to its high ...
Methods 65 participants with lateral hip pain were examined to evaluate the ability of clinical tests to detect MRI-determined GT (an increase in intratendinous signal intensity on T2-weighted images) ...
Bruker's exclusive, expanded MRI sequence portfolio ... map for rats up to 250 mm in length Standardized rat T2* EPI protocol for fMRI meeting guidelines of the MultiRat collaboration Fast ...
Ocrelizumab treatment in Black and Hispanic patients with MS reduces NfL levels and prevents the forming of contrast-enhancing lesions and new or enlarging T2 lesions.