Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
As dawn breaks, the aroma of Lanzhou Beef Noodles awakens the local people' s day.
The Alhambra is a unique site in the world: a palatial city built between the 13th and 15th centuries by the last of the Muslim kingdoms of Spain. It is the ultimate demonstration of the talents of a ...
3月14日,“机遇中国:‘泉’在济南”图片展在西班牙东南部城市穆尔西亚市开幕。这座位于伊比利亚半岛的千年古城迎来中国“泉城”的灵动水韵。 On March 14. the photo exhibition "Opportunities in ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Speaking at a Socialist Party meeting in Santiago de Compostela, north-west Spain, Sanchez underscored the urgency for Europe to take greater responsibility for its own security in light of strained ...
#2025全国两会#【问中国:各国民众对哪些中国美食最感兴趣?】在全球化浪潮中,中国的发展始终吸引着世界目光——各国民众对于中国的民生状况、经济政策及文化传播都有着浓厚兴趣。CGTN面向全球发起了“问中国”活动,广泛征集大家的问题。“中国茶都有哪些种类?如何制作北京烤鸭?”来自西班牙、法国和韩国的民众“大开脑洞”,一起看看吧。In the era of globalization, China's ...
【#问中国#:中国学校如何培养创新型人才?】在全球化浪潮中,中国的发展始终吸引着世界目光——各国民众对于中国的民生状况、经济发展及文化实践都十分好奇。CGTN面向全球发起了“问中国”活动,广泛征集大家的问题。“中国教育如何培养适应未来社会需求的创新型人才?”“中国学校如何关注学生的心理健康和情感发展?”“中国的义务教育是从几岁开始的?”本期视频中,来自法国、西班牙和哈萨克斯坦的民众针对中国教育提出 ...
In 2024, Hangzhou further enhanced its football infrastructure by adding 166 new fields, bringing the total to 1,476 across ...
For internal market, Stephen Brawer holds an optimistic attitude towards the 2025, the year of the snake, that will have ...
中国式现代化,民生为大。过去一年来,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,我国高质量发展扎实推进,民生保障扎实有力。回顾一年来我国在发展中保障和改善民生的生动实践,诸多热词映入眼帘。它们不仅与百姓生活息息相关,更彰显着中国式现代 ...