The first dissection of a spade-toothed whale, a type of beaked whale, was completed last week after a painstaking examination at a research center near the New Zealand city of Dunedin ...
Even though we’ve spent centuries exploring and mapping our oceans, many things still remain a mystery. One of the ocean’s mysteries is the spade-toothed whale, this is one of the rarest whales in the ...
A review of known and inferred distributions of various beaked whale species highlights the gaps in our knowledge, particularly for lesser-known species like the spade-toothed whale. This ...
A juvenile beaked whale stranded on South New Brighton Beach was successfully reloaded on Saturday. One of the first people on the scene told they contacted DOC but were instructed ...
In a post on social media, Project Jonah said another stranding had taken place in Christchurch, involving a juvenile beaked whale that came ashore in New Brighton. Project Jonah was called to ...
The pygmy whale is the only species that makes its home in the ocean off of South Carolina year round. Beaked whales, humpback whales, North Atlantic right whales, pilot whales and sperm whales ...
The remaining whales may have to be euthanized after the rescue team made little progress. Last week, a juvenile beaked whale was stranded on a beach of New Brighton in Christchurch, the largest ...
“Staff identified the whales as beaked whales, likely Gray’s beaked whales. Tissue samples were taken to confirm the species,” Thompson said. DOC worked closely with representatives from Te Rūnanga o ...