Now it's just like ready. Taran and Joven are two young members of the Sikh Khalsa and they show their commitment to Sikhism by wearing the 5 Ks, which are symbols of Sikh ideals. Khalsa Sikhs ...
After the ardas, they handed over a memorandum to the Akal Takht jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh. In jathedar’s absence, Golden Temple manager Rajinder Singh Ruby received the memo.
Amritsar: Frustrated by the continued delay in the full implementation of the Dec 2, 2024, directives issued by Akal Takht, a coalition of panthic (Si.
It’s difficult to miss the large, uniquely-shaped and ornately-designed white building on Queen’s Road East in Wan Chai. Its domed roof, or cupola, typical of Sikh temples, offers a clue as ...