AMD 自适应计算技术正为斯巴鲁基于视觉的高级驾驶辅助系统( ADAS )—— EyeSight 提供支持。 该系统已集成到部分斯巴鲁车型中,提供自适应巡航控制、车道保持辅助以及防碰撞制动等先进功能,将最先进的安全技术交到消费者手中。
Welcome to Nat Geo Your Shot: National Geographic’s global community for aspiring visual storytellers. Find the community on Instagram @NatGeoYourShot and follow along for hashtag challenges ...
World-famous video performer Uta is about to make her in-person concert debut on the island of Elegia. The Strawhat crew joins millions of others to see Uta in real life, only to have Luffy tell ...