A ‘polynya’ is a large ice-free area that develops in an otherwise frozen sea, and this particular formation is situated in the Weddell Sea, east of the Antarctic Peninsula. At its peak ...
Scientists comment on Copernicus data reporting global sea ice cover is at a record low, and that February was the third warmest on record. Professor Simon Josey, Professor of Oceanography at the UK’s ...
Sea ice formation around the Antarctic acts as an engine for ocean currents and influences weather patterns. It also protects the exposed edges of the ice shelves from waves, curbing Antarctica's ...
“Deep ventilation and weak stratification increase upward [Atlantic Water] heat fluxes, which promotes the wintertime suppression of sea-ice formation and subsequent more effective summertime ...
“This ice age effect is the largest in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina,” said Hay, who co-authored the report with colleagues from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Harvard University, ...