Questo progetto utilizza un sensore PIR e una board ESP32 per rilevare il movimento e inviare una transazione Bitcoin, utilizzando lo script OP_RETURN per includere una stringa personalizzabile nella ...
We recommend using your OS's package manager directly instead for improved security but the install script is by no means insecure. In addition to being a runnable CLI tool, D2 can also be used to ...
We also just covered the Tobor (robot spelled in reverse), a modular, open-source robotic arm platform featuring an ESP32-WROOM-32 module preloaded with the FluidNC firmware. This 6x CNC Controller is ...
Tobor (robot spelled in reverse) is a modular and open-source robotic arm platform powered by the ESP32-WROVER-I and ESP32-WROOM-32 (FluidNC CNC Controller ... Tobor is completely open-source.