You need to make sure you have the time and access to resources to complete the project in a reasonable period. The format of a research proposal varies between fields and levels of study but most ...
A research proposal is a structured document detailing your proposed research plan. It helps assessors determine how feasible your research is and the methodological quality of your study. It can be ...
In order to help you with your application, the information below aims to give some guidance on how a typical research proposal might look. Your research proposal is a concise statement (up to 3,000 ...
provides a basis for decision-making; helps to make sure that you get the most appropriate supervisor for your research. Your research proposal does not commit you to researching in a specific area if ...
These guidelines are intended to assist you in developing and writing a thesis proposal. Applications for admission to a research degree cannot be dealt with unless they contain a proposal. Your ...
The Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) PhD Qualifying Exam is intended to allow the candidate to demonstrate depth of understanding in his/her chosen area of research, and to demonstrate the ...
“Submit a research proposal of two paragraphs (the first stating the problem, the second a plan for researching a solution).” ...