Abstract: Radar ducting layers along the Gulf coast of Florida are examined for a 9-day period in May of 1976. Tilted refractive surfaces are shown to exist with enough of a slope to significantly ...
RADAR stands for RAdio Detecting And Ranging and as indicated by the name, it is based on the use of radio waves. Radars send out electromagnetic waves similar to wireless computer networks and mobile ...
Ryan served as the Grand Marshal and only participant in the unique parade in downtown Enterprise, and did so incredibly. City and state officials joined HudsonAlpha in celebrating the structural ...
Kansas City chef Shaun Brady was honored with a riderless horse and bagpipes at Kansas City's St. Patrick's Day Parade. Brady died in August after being shot in the parking lot of his restaurant.
The meteorologists, along with county emergency management, toured the damage at the local community center and fire station to determine the strength of the radar-confirmed tornado that moved ...
This page contains programming that requires a scriptable browser. If you have disabled="true" scripting in your browser then you may wish to enable it so that the ...
Severe weather is rolling into our viewing area and teams are out trying to get the unhoused to safety. Troup County is no stranger to tornadoes, and it's not taking any chances as storms roll through ...
St. Patrick’s Day is widely celebrated across Lincoln, but beyond the parades and festivities, the holiday has deep roots in faith and service. From church services to citywide celebrations, St ...
A NEXT Weather Alert will be in effect Wednesday for a snowstorm that could bring blizzard conditions to parts of the state. 5H ago 03:52 A spring snowstorm heading into Minnesota Wednesday. What ...
A mid-Michigan mom and dad still need your help to find out who killed their son in a hit-and-run. Every cat housed at Saginaw County Animal Care & Control (SCACC) was adopted during its St ...
Last year, the City of Denison announced their new resort on Lake Texoma - Preston Harbor. This week, the nationwide Measles outbreaks reached Texoma with four reported cases in Lamar County ...