The Comanche County AgriLife Extension office will be holding a peanut meeting for growers on Thursday, March 6th at 12:00 PM at the De Leon City Auditorium. We will be ...
It’s the sap oozing from cankers or wounds on trees. The biotic cause of peach fungus gummosis (PFG) is Botryosphaeria dothidea, which infests the tree through its natural lenticels. Injuries – such ...
It will have four to nine limbs, called scaffolds, off the central leader. The peach tree does not have a central leader and instead has a 3- to 3 ½-foot trunk, an open center and three to five ...
If you are considering adding these lovely trees to your house, congratulations on a smart decision. But while these trees cannot grow too tall, they still require pruning to develop healthily. We ...
When is the best time to prune trees. Source: In winter, trees are dormant - their growth slows down or stops completely. Pruning during this period is less damaging to the tree, as it ...
Free-standing fruit trees or bush trees, such as those grown in an orchard should be pruned when they're dormant, in winter. Trained trees, such as espaliers, cordons, pyramids and fans should be ...
Make your reservations by March 1st (including Junior beef exhibitors – we need your reservations too) by clicking on this ...
An area on the outside of a tree trunk that appears to be stained white or looks wet during summer is likely bacterial ...
A prominent roadside winery and fruit stand in Kaleden is on the market for just shy of $2M. Farm Gate Winery, located at 346 ...
Widely available through nurseries and mail order and specifically developed for heavy, repeated bloom and easy care, 'Knock Out' roses are tough to kill and can be pruned almost any time of year.