所有产品仅用作实验室科学研究,不为任何个人用途提供产品和服务。 Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase Substrate 是一种肽类物质,由特定排列的氨基酸残基组成,其氨基酸序列为 Pro - Leu - Ser - Arg - Thr - Leu - Ser - Val - Ser - Ser - NH₂ 。通过这些氨基酸之间形成的肽键连接 ...
英文名称:Protein Kinase C (gamma) Peptide 中文名称:蛋白激酶 C (γ) 肽 氨基酸序列:因未获取到确切公开信息,暂无法提供完整序列。但已知蛋白激酶 Cγ 由一条单肽链组成,在其结构中存在一些保守区域与可变区域 ,这些区域对其功能发挥至关重要。例如 ...
Fruit fly mutants that have severe sleep deficits perform better at olfactory learning and memory tasks, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Sheng Huang and ...
为探究 PKC-ε 激活对出血性休克影响,研究人员开展相关研究,发现激活它可提高生存率、稳定血流动力学等。 在创伤救治的 “战场” 上,出血性休克一直是可预防性死亡的 “头号杀手”,无论是军事冲突还是日常的民用创伤场景,它都频繁地威胁着人们的 ...
A new study reveals a possible protein misfolding mechanism that may resolve a long-standing mystery of why certain proteins ...
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder with a rapidly increasing global prevalence. It is primarily ...
Proteins are long molecules that must fold into complex three-dimensional structures to perform their cellular functions.
Researchers have unveiled the first real look at a mitochondrial protein strongly linked to Parkinson's disease, revealing ...
Fruit fly mutants that have severe sleep deficits perform better at olfactory learning and memory tasks, according to a study published March 20th in ...
Servier will be responsible for development and global commercialisation of the therapy for several indications.
Shenzhen Zhongge Biotechnology Co. Ltd. has synthesized serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK1 inhibitors reported to be useful for the treatment of cancer, lymphangioleiomyomatosis and tuberous ...