The love for houseplants keeps growing and growing and it's no surprise-as the benefits extend far beyond the aesthetics. The ...
Many common house plants easily root from cuttings to create new plants. The long, slender roots at the base of this spider plant cutting developed over about two months. Many common house plants ...
I know these cold winter days can feel long and dreary. One way to combat the winter blues is by propagating your houseplants. After ...
One of the best features of all of these plants is that they require little care, making them super easy to grow. Most require watering only once a week or even less frequently.
The tried-and-true houseplants like these tolerate low humidity and infrequent watering. The best way to kill them is by ...
Her true love though was growing and propagating African violets and gloxinias. It took me a lot of years before I even tried ...
The death of a houseplant is a painful experience — there is no denying it. I’ve carried the blame of multiple houseplants in ...
Whether you have low light levels in your north -facing apartment, or forget to water your plants, these varieties won't quit ...
An easy-care houseplant for any bright room with the tips in our grow guide, dieffenbachia’s common name “dumbcane” hints why ...
Here are some of the best plants for your living room and bedroom according to feng shui and astrology. Native to humid forests and swamps, the Boston fern has been a popular houseplant since ...
Lush, green plants have the power to transform a space, imparting character, warmth and charm. And there is no space I can ...
Now that it’s winter and our outside gardens are taking a nap, it’s time to turn our attention to growing HOUSEPLANTS! Growing ...