Plumeria, also known as frangipani, is a deciduous, semi-succulent tropical plant renowned for its fragrant and colorful flowers. Its distinctive scent can be sweet, spicy, floral, or fruity.
Question: You recommended a fungicide for an orange rust control on plumeria. The rust fungus seems like a natural occurrence, especially as the leaves decline in the fall. I have developed the ...
一些物种虽然以新加坡命名,但它们大多躲在保护区里的深山老林,一般人去不到,也没见过,比如新加坡淡水蟹(Johora singaporensis)、新加坡姜(Zingiber singapurense)等。竟然还有一种新加坡榴梿(Durio singaporensis Ridl.),生长在原始森林里,果实成熟时会在树上 ...