The first EQ event is scheduled for Sept. 18-20 at Lake Champlain in Plattsburgh, N.Y. The series will then head to Wheeler Oct. 2-4 before heading to the third and final EQ stop of the season Nov. 13 ...
FLORENCE — University of North Alabama angler Dylan Nutt landed a record weight for a three-day bass tournament on Pickwick ...
“Guys have been catching bass on the Alabama rigs at Pickwick for a month sporadically ... outdoor writer and lifelong fishing enthusiast, once opined. “And people say fishermen aren ...
The answer: Fewer people every day. So that’s where we’re at. Good, bad or indifferent, the co-angler model, already given up on by B.A.S.s., is on its way out with every major fishing league. Facts ...
referring to the largemouth bass-targeting umbrella rig by its most common name. “The water temperatures actually rose at Pickwick recently, but they’re about to drop again if they haven’t ...