Despite Fujimori's dark side, Peru's flag has been flying at half-mast since Thursday, per a presidential decree.
Canadian streaming and royalty company Triple Flag Precious Metals’ wholly owned subsidiary, Triple Flag International, has ...
Triple Flag Precious Metals (TSX: TFPM; NYSE: TFPM) has added two Peruvian assets to its portfolio with the acquisition of ...
Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp. (with its subsidiaries, "Triple Flag" or the "Company") (TSX: TFPM, NYSE: TFPM) announces ...
Royalty and streaming company Triple Flag Precious Metals said on Wednesday that it had acquired 5% gold and silver streams ...
Triple Flag has announced that it has acquired 5% silver and gold streams on each of the Arcata and Azuca mines in Peru operated by Sierra Sun Precious Metals S.A.C. (Sierra Sun) for total cash ...