西南证券 recently upgraded Fuda Co., Ltd. to a 'Buy' rating, highlighting its transition into the robotics and intelligent ...
传统的兰州牛肉拉面以清汤著称,牛肉汤上的浮沫必须全部舀出去,白萝卜片厚度适中,甘肃本地的 甘谷辣椒 香而不辣,一大把蒜苗给出了西北人的豪爽劲儿,再配上九九八十一遍揉的面条,这就是德元的匠心。
Crowd of people at Circular Quay Sydney. With the CBD buildings in the background. Credit: iStockphoto / mikulas1/Getty ...
Mei Bing, a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), is Secretary of the Party (Communist Party of China) ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping on March 7 called for reaching a successful conclusion of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
在2022年 winter's day, the heated debate over "Xiaolü Jīng Shān" began online. This hot topic broke out after the series, based on the novel by Gu Jia, hit the big screens. As a cultural product, it's ...
2025年3月10日午间:随着联邦选举临近,一些人担心,是否有足够措施来确保所有澳大利亚人都能表达自己的意见(收听播客,了解详情)。 随着澳大利亚联邦选举临近,一些人担心,是否有足够措施来确保所有澳大利亚人都能表达自己的意见。
USAGM, VOA's parent agency, employs about 3,500 staff and has an US$886 million budget for 2024, according to its latest ...
在 vast的训练场地上,阳光透过迷彩服的缝隙洒下斑驳的光影。战士们在严格的训练中挥洒汗水,他们的 every step都凝结着青春的痕迹。训练场上,新兵们笨拙地跌倒,却又 quickly从地上爬起, repeat同一个动作无数遍。这看似 Primitive的训练场景,却暗含着军人最本真的状态。 One of the most harrowing moments in the training o ...