Ideally, use peer review for formative feedback, and not as a basis for grades since students may sometimes be inconsistent in how the rubric is applied. Instead, consider those assessments on which ...
Before directing students to build their team charter or rubric, take time to remind them that peer evalution is a central tenant of being a scientist/scholar. We suggest sharing some of the peer ...
The SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric (OSCQR) is an openly licensed tool to assist instructors and instructional staff in reviewing courses for quality and effectiveness. The OSCQR uses ...
Consult the tables below for samples from the CLT and other institutions that correspond to various parts of classroom observation, peer review-related activities, and the teaching dossier.
Peer review. You, the instructor, could ask a faculty colleague, mentor, or other peer to review your course design at an appropriate time. Like many consultative practices, peer review of online ...
This membership provides Sacramento State faculty and staff opportunities for QM peer reviews using the QM rubric. Two peer review options are available to Sacramento State faculty to improve their ...