与VILI相关的静态通气变量 气道峰压(Ppeak,RS)、平台压(Pplat,RS)、呼气末正压(PEEP)、驱动压(∆P,RS)和潮气量(VT)是与VILI相关的静态通气变量(图1)。 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。
Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) results in a predominantly CD18-independent mechanism of neutrophil recruitment, while direct endotoxin-induced lung injury results from a CD18-dependent ...
Knowledge on the mechanisms and importance of VILI has advanced over the years. Theoretically ... However, there is a lack of evidence showing that HFOV is less harmful that using MV with low VT, ...
为解决肺复张手法存在的争议,美国加州大学河滨分校的研究人员对比 EM 和 SIM 开展研究。结果显示 EM 肺复张更均匀。该研究为临床选择合适复张手法提供依据,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。 在当今的医学领域,肺部疾病成为了美国的 “夺命杀手” 之一,严重的肺部疾病常常需要借助机械通气(MV)来挽救患者生命。这就使得探寻最佳的机械通气设置变得至关重要,关乎患者的安全与康复。
The Irvine Police Department is investigating reports that a man used a selfie stick to peep into a girl's room.
A former student of the late Mary Kay Letourneau spoke out about the teacher's sex scandal with student-turned-husband Vili Fualaau, revealing the impact of Letourneau's infamous affair which made ...
Pop star Tate McRae has displayed an affinity for flirting with racy material in her videos, and in her latest, “Sports Car,” she evokes a 1970s peep show theater — albeit with a high ...
Rapist educator Mary Kay LeTourneau has been accused by a former student of traumatizing an entire sixth-grade class after she sexually assaulted and married her 12-year-old student Vili Fualaau.
Give me great central characters and a crime/monster/makeover of the week, and I’m happy. Ludwig, a six-part comedy/crime drama BBC series, falls squarely into this genre of comfort television, with ...