SAN DIEGO (KSWB/KUSI) — Researchers say they have discovered a new species of tropical fish during an expedition to remote islands off the Pacific coast of Mexico. Named the Halichoeres sanchezi ...
FIFTEEN fishermen and their captain, Eugene Canillo Dumip-ig, 36, take a well-earned rest at the Pasil Fish Port in Cebu City ...
How could President Donald Trump’s second term affect fishing and ocean conservation in the Pacific Ocean? HPR's Mark Ladao ...
Newborn fish are mistaking tiny bits of trash for ... Not long ago I went snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean, a half mile off the southwest coast of Oahu. The flanks of the Hawaiian island are ...
1 nuclear power plant a month ago. But fish caught in the same part of the Pacific Ocean by Chinese vessels are apparently A-OK as domestic products. The Asahi Shimbun used the Global Fishing ...
Fears are being raised that Pacific saury ... will move deeper in the ocean when the water temperature is high, spelling fewer opportunities for the fish to catch their favorite plankton in ...
At current rates plastic is expected to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050. Plastics pollution has a direct and deadly ... The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a gyre of plastic debris in the ...
A thin stretch of the eastern Pacific Ocean has been getting colder for the ... Colder temperatures can also “inhibit coral growth rates” and “fish may experience shifts in their ...