The European Union soybean meal import forecast for 2024/25 (October-September) is raised 1.0 million metric tons (tons) to ...
In 2023, Pakistan exported castor seeds valued at USD 2.69 million, making it the country's 660th largest export product. The primary buyers were China, which imported USD 2.69 million worth, and the ...
听闻油菜花的盛开,令人不禁联想到油菜花田那一片片金灿灿的景象。或许你曾听过这样一句话:"The rapeseed flowers are in full bloom."(油菜花盛开了)。走在油菜花的海洋中,仿佛置身于一个无边无际的金色梦境中,正如那句“I was stunned by miles of rapeblossoms.”(我被无边的油菜花惊艳了)。
The tech-enhanced blooms have revitalized local tourism, transforming scenic spots featuring the colorful rapeseed flowers into popular photography destinations. Visitors flock to these vibrant ...
13 天
商业新知 on MSN标普油气ETF(513350)上涨2.81%,成交额达1.52亿元,近一周吸金1.91亿元 ...截至2025年03月17日 09:39,标普油气ETF(513350)上涨2.81%,最新价报0.988元,盘中成交额已达1.52亿元,换手率29.91%。 数据显示,标普油气ETF(513350)基金规模较一个月前增加1.79亿元。 截至前一交易日 ...
猫耳朵的美味与否,很大程度上取决于调料的选择。烹饪时,放入适量的酱油、盐、鸡精等基础调料是必须的。酱油不仅让颜色更加诱人,还能提升鲜味;盐则用来调整咸度;鸡精则能增强整体的风味。另外,还可以添加一些特别的调料,比如豆瓣酱、蒜蓉辣酱等,以增添独特的口感 ...
注意,这十个新发现油田的探明储量的加总,其实也 只相当于中国2024年的原油消费量的3.8倍。目前全球石油贸易的真正出货主力,仍然是加瓦尔油田、萨法尼亚油田、鲁迈拉油田、布尔干油田等中东、俄罗斯巨无霸油田。
来自MSN27 天
【ETF观察】2月28日股票指数ETF净流入176.13亿元从当日股票型ETF基金的二级市场表现来看,以食品饮料、深证基本面60、S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry等指数为跟踪标的的ETF基金领涨,其中华安中证申万食品饮料ETF、建信深证基本面60ETF、富国标普石油天然气勘探及生产精选行业ETF(QDII)分别以2.44%、1 ...
With Namibia expected to commence oil and gas production around 2030 and potentially become Africa's fifth-largest oil ...
"China has stood by us all the way," said Elia George Kaiyamo, Namibia's ambassador to China, highlighting the deepening bond, particularly since the establishment of a comprehensive strategic ...