The pristine waters off Cape Cod could become radioactive for as long as a month after a new study found that nuclear waste being dumped ... any potential impact to sea life and the Bay which ...
The IAEA Environment Laboratories apply nuclear and isotopic techniques to better understand the carbon cycle, to evaluate the ocean’s capacity to store carbon and to study how this might be impacted ...
The Lens: Japan’s Fukushima waste water release raises concerns ... treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean. There have been concerns about the long ...
The government is moving toward the controversial disposal method for contaminated water at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant of dumping it into the ocean. Fishermen have fiercely ...
“Therefore, it might be simpler and cheaper to consider it a waste material alongside the other legacies from the nuclear industry ... bunker under the sea – known as a geological disposal ...
Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of the stricken facility, said in August last year that the nuclear plant's premises can store tanks holding up to 1.37 million tons of treated radioactive water ...
That's adding pressure to the decades-long effort to find a place to store the radioactive waste U.S. nuclear power plants ...
The article, “Should the U.S. Wait to Consolidate? Recent Legal Developments Regarding the Interim Storage of Nuclear Waste,” appears in the winter edition of the journal alongside seven other ...
there are simply too many concerns to entertain the possibility of opening the state to the country’s growing stockpile of spent nuclear fuel waste, some lawmakers say. House Bill 16 ...
That's adding pressure to the decades-long effort to find a place to store the radioactive waste U.S. nuclear power plants produce. One place under discussion is the sparsely populated northwest ...