2025年1月,国际权威杂志《时尚芭莎·印度》重磅发布专题报道《Why exosome therapy is 2025’s ‘It’ skincare trend(为什么外泌体疗法会成为2025年的护肤潮流)》,直指外泌体疗法将成为年度护肤新趋势。
这项研究聚焦于肠道微生物如何通过调控骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)来源的外泌体 miRNA,进而影响骨代谢。研究人员采用了多种关键技术方法,其中 16S rRNA 测序用于分析肠道微生物群落的变化;细胞实验观察 BMSCs 的成骨和成脂分化;外泌体分离和 miRNA 测序筛选关键的 miRNA;动物实验则在大鼠模型上验证肠道微生物干预对骨质疏松的影响 。
The therapy increases the amount of blood the ... They showed that shutting down a damaged copy of a gene called a microRNA (miRNA) enabled ... Novel Genome Editing Approach Restores Hearing ...
The therapy was approved to treat the ultra-rare ... and incorporates an AAV vector carrying a micro ribonucleic acid (“miRNA”) specifically designed to silence the huntingtin gene and the ...
A recently published study by the the Western Ontario Registry for Early OA (WOREO) Knee Study team suggests that while synovitis increases in OA, the exhaustion and dysfunction of immune-regulatory ...
The goal of therapy is to rework our stories in a way that is helpful and meaningful to us.