President Trump on Friday signed a resolution to block the implementation of a fee on oil and gas companies’ excess methane ...
Researchers at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and the University of Michigan (U-M) have published a new study showing an ...
Environmentalists have pushed for years to no avail to end the state’s subsidy for trash incinerators, which burn garbage to ...
Methane is a greenhouse gas that, molecule for molecule, traps heat in the atmosphere more effectively than carbon dioxide, ...
Her father, "an experienced HVAC tech / business owner" who "has been in the HVAC business for over 20 years," demonstrated a simple way to get the most from your energy use. Start by opening up your ...
Handheld devices can detect methane and other gases [Helen Gebregiorgis] ...
“These companies are creating high-quality jobs and stronger local economies by helping operators reduce waste and capture lost revenue,” said Matthew Garrington, senior director of U.S. methane ...
Suyono’s neighbors found his antics collecting the goat and quail droppings outside his home verging on the strange. Today, ...
As Zeldin's EPA announced reconsideration of these standards, it released a statement saying, the regulations imposed, "$700 ...